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Perhaps your view of a writer is someone who constantly produces ideas, who sees the world differently, and who finds beauty in all things. Creative people tend to be inquisitive and open-minded, always exploring new ideas. I’d like to think that I have these qualities.
I used to call myself a ‘reluctant’ writer because I never understood what it really means to be a writer. I thought to be a ‘good’ writer I had to study other writers, emulate them and seek to be even half as good as they are.
Creativity is nothing but a mind set free.
I wish my writing could have followed an easier path. My soul chose writing long before I did. As a child, like most writers, I loved reading and writing. It seemed easier back then to come up with plot twists because there was no one to judge me. As I grew older writing felt scary and something that I constantly measured, a way of fighting my soul for what is my calling.
While writing my debut, A Darker Shade of Pale, I had experienced such dark, dark times where it felt as if I was in an elevator, free falling and plummeting to the basement. I had lived through times where doors were shut in my face because of my heritage.
After I wrote Behind My Smile, everything was on the upswing again. With therapy, through an intense period of upheaval, a scary and challenging time, my senses began to tingle. Everything looked and smelled differently. Had I finally learned to trust the process and fulfil my destiny? Yes, those unfinished manuscripts could now mean something.
Healing traumas and facing fears have led me to express myself free of the illusions of identity and social expectations. I no longer feel that I should always emulate or walk behind anyone. My own path is littered with gold.

A Darker Shade of Pale
A Darker Shade of Pale tells the story of life as a person of mixed race in apartheid South Africa. After the National Party gained power in South Africa in 1948, the all-white government took control by legislating their policies of racial segregation under a system called apartheid.
A Darker Shade of Pale is a moving account of Beryl’s family and community life in segregated South Africa – the injustices, humiliation and challenges and finally finding acceptance when she moved to Australia in the 1980s
For Australian residents please head over to the SHOP tab to purchase a signed copy. Books are available on all online platforms and selected bookstores

A Darker Shade of Pale tells the story of Beryl and her family’s lives under apartheid in South Africa.
Behind My Smile
Panicked thoughts. Vivid nightmares. Racing heart. Unrelenting dread. Beryl Crosher-Segers was diagnosed with an anxiety and panic disorder as an adult, but she had been experiencing debilitating panic attacks since childhood. Witnessing the drowning death of her four-year-old brother Owen was the beginning of a lifetime of nightmares. Growing up during the oppressive system, apartheid, in South Africa, increased her anxiety as she struggled with her self worth.

Living with Purpose
Finding self-love can be enlightening and transform your entire perspective on life. Do you know that you are worthy of love and acceptance just as you are?
For the author, Beryl Crosher-Segers, becoming aware of her worth ignited a fire within her and a burning desire to embrace every part of herself, flaws and all. She learned to silence her inner critic – that voice that constantly planted seeds of doubt and negativity – replacing it with a voice of compassion and understanding.
Each day now, she consciously activates acceptance by acknowledging her strengths and celebrating her achievements, no matter how small. And she reminds herself that she is deserving of love, kindness, and respect.
As she practices this, she can’t help but see a profound shift in her mindset and overall well- being. Self-love has become her anchor, allowing her to navigate the ups and downs of life with grace and authenticity.
You can have this too if you allow it….

- A Darker Shade of Pale
A Darker Shade of Pale
A Darker Shade of Pale tells the story of life as a person of mixed race in apartheid South Africa. After the National Party gained power in South Africa in 1948, the all-white government took control by legislating their policies of racial segregation under a system called apartheid.
A Darker Shade of Pale is a moving account of Beryl’s family and community life in segregated South Africa – the injustices, humiliation and challenges and finally finding acceptance when she moved to Australia in the 1980s
For Australian residents please head over to the SHOP tab to purchase a signed copy. Books are available on all online platforms and selected bookstores
A Darker Shade of Pale tells the story of Beryl and her family’s lives under apartheid in South Africa.
- Behind My Smile
Behind My Smile
Panicked thoughts. Vivid nightmares. Racing heart. Unrelenting dread. Beryl Crosher-Segers was diagnosed with an anxiety and panic disorder as an adult, but she had been experiencing debilitating panic attacks since childhood. Witnessing the drowning death of her four-year-old brother Owen was the beginning of a lifetime of nightmares. Growing up during the oppressive system, apartheid, in South Africa, increased her anxiety as she struggled with her self worth.
- Living with Purpose
Living with Purpose
Finding self-love can be enlightening and transform your entire perspective on life. Do you know that you are worthy of love and acceptance just as you are?
For the author, Beryl Crosher-Segers, becoming aware of her worth ignited a fire within her and a burning desire to embrace every part of herself, flaws and all. She learned to silence her inner critic – that voice that constantly planted seeds of doubt and negativity – replacing it with a voice of compassion and understanding.Each day now, she consciously activates acceptance by acknowledging her strengths and celebrating her achievements, no matter how small. And she reminds herself that she is deserving of love, kindness, and respect.
As she practices this, she can’t help but see a profound shift in her mindset and overall well- being. Self-love has become her anchor, allowing her to navigate the ups and downs of life with grace and authenticity.You can have this too if you allow it….
The Need to Belong
Belonging—it's a word that resonates with a profound sense of familiarity, evoking memories of warmth, camaraderie, and acceptance. Yet, its significance extends far beyond mere sentimentality. Belonging is the lifeblood of our collective consciousness, the heartbeat that pulses through the veins of humanity, reminding us of our interconnectedness and...
Pushing beyond your limits
Can you believe how fast this month flew by? It feels like just yesterday that I was dreading going back to work after the Christmas break. Now here I am, in the last week of January, watching incredible athletes hit a tennis ball over a net at the Australian...
Why do small acts of kindness matter?
In this chaotic and fast-paced world it's easy to become disheartened by the constant barrage of negative news and the seemingly never-ending struggles of humanity. The current ongoing and destructive wars, brutally killing innocent people bears heavily on the psyche of most people. At times, it’s unbearable to watch...
Conversations over a cup of coffee
Sometimes, the most meaningful conversations happen over a cup of coffee and a listening ear. I recently had an insightful conversation with my granddaughter Chelsea, which allowed me to put my new year’s goal of improving my listening skills into practice. During this conversation, Chelsea discussed the future direction...
Tolerating racism is racism.
“Prejudice is a burden that confuses the past, threatens the future and renders the present inaccessible.” ~ Maya Angelou My current read, Colour, written by Ken Reynolds, someone who lived on the privileged side of the railway line in South Africa during apartheid, depicts the life of a young man who...
“Learn the path of forgiving and heal yourself.” ~ Archbishop Desmond Tutu Forgiveness is not easy. It is painful, complex, messy and at times it feels like a rollercoaster ride. In dealing with the trauma of racial oppression, there is no magic therapy to make it go away. For many...
“It’s a funny thing coming home. Nothing changes. Everything looks the same, feels the same, and even smells the same. You realised what’s changed is you.” -F. Scott Fitzgerald There is nothing more significant than a safe and secure home where families gather, friends always belong, laughter never ends, and...
Do not judge the colour of my skin.
“I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.” ― Martin Luther King Jr. These past few weeks I’ve been reading through the archives of...

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